When I returned home, I decided I should do some yardwork. After being spoiled for a few years by having apartment complex maintenance men to take care of keeping the grounds neat and clean, the reality of the task ahead of hit me fast. I raked, weeded, and must have hauled a ton of rocks out of the yard. For the first time in my life, I wished I had a wheelbarrow. Trapsing back and forth with a 5 gallon bucket wasn't fun, but I think I got at least much of a workout doing so as I did during my hike.
Here are a few pictures of me out on my hike today. Thankfully there are none of me covered in leaves, dirt, sweat, and sunscreen toiling in the yard.
When I see you like that, on a hot tin roof and with a bare bottom, I would LOOOOVVE to take you over my knee and spank you..
spank you...
spank you...
XXX, Funbun
Lovely pictures as always; very cute!
Woohoo! Summer's coming up fast! Almost time to put jackets away for good:)
A wheelbarrow is definitely a good investment if you plan on doing a lot of yard work.
"And over here, we see a prime example of the Rosy-Bottomed Pixie, or Bratus Incorrigiblus. As you can plainly see, she is still sporting her pale tail feathers, but as the weather gets warmer, expect to see the color in that area change on a fairly regular basis...."
Dr. Ken
(Spring? It's actually snowing here--predictions are for 4 to 9 inches! Someone remind me why I live in this state....)
I always love your outdoor pics! You seem so at home in the outdoors, and the sun loves your skin. Beautiful :)
It's sunny here again (thank goodness - I was worried by that freak snowstorm) but not yet warm, alas. I pine for heat! In the meantime I guess I'll just have to make do with the localised version...
The caption for Pic 3 could also read: "Hmmm... Might this be the Enchanted Spanking Tree of local legend? There's only one way to find out!" Or, "They say that if a tree falls in the woods, and there's no one bare to see it... well, not in MY forest!"
(Get thee a wheelbarrow, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, preferrably of heavy plastic which won't rust and will last far longer.) Depending on your long term plans for the land, you might consider saving those rocks. And "should a garden look as though the gardener spent all (her) time on (her) knees?"
Dreams oƒ Horses
Thanks for sharing the photos! It’s good to see that shorts are back in season.
Do they have many random tin roofs in the woods in Cowtown?
I know the feeling when it comes to garden work. I’ve got the wheelbarrow and wheelie-bin, but we’ve had snow, winds and heavy rain showers, with a few sunny days in between. Not very helpful when your garden is crying out “tidy me! tidy me!”
Thanks for the picies, it is good to see you being able to get out and about again.
Spring finally seems to have reached this soggy corner of north west Europe too, wonderful! If you need any advice on plants or anything in the garden, drop me a line.
A couple of the other comments stimulated the old giggle gland. I think I have seen the TV naturalist that Dr Ken is mimicking. Dreams with horses, "If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?"
Nice pictures. Lovely bottom. Over in my part of the world we are shrugging off a hot and dry summer (driest and hottest on record) and, thankfully, heading into a cooller, leaf-dropping season. But I'd endure another month of heat if I got to see you sans shorts :)
We're in the 90's...trust me, it's too early for this kind of weather. Enjoy the cool, rain, snow, whatever just as long as you can.
We were all set for a hike, and now the place is heating up. Guess we'll have to find another way to warm up. - grin -
How lucky you are to have such glorious weather: it is certainly not shorts weather in the South of England - but how well they suit you! They are almost more provocative up than down!! we have forest near where I live - but my hjikes never seem to be where the pixies grow.
As to the Gardening (presumably that is what yardwork is) - it can most certainly give you an excelllent workout - and done regularly can be as beneficial, they say, as the Gym. So keep ujp the good work!
Beautiful :-)
thank God for Spring !
Hi Pixie.....how wonderful to know that you are out and about in the sunshine. As I think I've told you before: some ladies get 'tanned' where they should be 'spanked'.
Always makes my day to see your bare bottom on display!!!!!
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