Thank you to everyone that left such kind comments, sent emails, or simply had me in your thoughts during these difficult past couple of days. It really means a lot to me and helped to lift my spirits. I'm back home now and getting back into the swing of things. Time for happier thoughts.
It's coming up on my blogiversary. It was February 12, 2007 when I typed up my very first blog post. Considering I've never been very good at keeping any sort of journal either online or off before, I consider a year's worth of entries to be quite an achievement. I think I ought to celebrate in some small way.
Given that this is a spanking blog, I thought perhaps a blogiversary spanking much like a birthday spanking would be fitting. But since it's only been one year, that would mean only one swat or at most two (with the extra one to grow on). That's not much of a spanking, is it.
So then I thought perhaps one spank for each entry. With the publishing of this post, that would be 182 smacks. Ouch! Or maybe one for every photo and graphic posted but that would mean over 570 spanks. Double ouch! And I don't even want to think of what the tally might be if I considered getting one spank for every time the word "spank" is found in this blog. I might not sit down until my next blogiversary at that rate. Maybe I ought to plan on just baking a cake ... and getting spanked with the spoon?
***Edited to Add***
Prefectdt just provided an alternate idea for determining the number of blogiversary swats I get. He suggested one swat for each comment I receive until February 12th. I think that's a great idea. Hopefully the tally will reach enough to result in a hot bottom. With the 4 comments Prefectdt just left me, plus one from princess dani, I'm off to a light pink start.
Friday, February 8, 2008
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Dear Pixie,
You know how much your comments mean to me. I'm not used to such a nice person.
You told to accept myself.
I want to give you a big hug. I hope everything is better for you.
Here's an idea.......
Comment continued in next box
how about you get.......
Comment continued in next box
one swat for every.......
Comment continued in next box
comment on this post :-)
dani - thank you very much. (((hugs)))
Prefectdt - brilliant idea!! I'm adding that into my post. :) Without a doubt I won't be getting hundreds of swats, but hopefully I'll still get a decent amount - with the 4(!!!) that you just gave, I'm off to a good start.
I think I'll still bake a cake. Yummy funfetti frosting. I'll be sure to save you a slice ... and a swat ... since this was your idea.
Don't forget the one to grow on!!
S. in Dallas
Does this mean one more?
And another!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! (Another swat for inventing words?) Another way of counting would have been one swat for each individual correspondent who has commented on your blog - but only one for each person. However, as you seem anxious to get a nice red bottom, we will be counting...
...and hoping....
...and counting some more - and as I am not as mean as Prefectdt I will lave it there.
Truly however
Conbratulations on the anniversary - and we all pray that whatever your crisis was that all is now well.
Glad you're doing better, and adding one to the blog-birthday total
Happy Blogiversary! I love the idea of one swat for each comment. Hope you get more than a few but less than your poor bottom could handle.
Hope your crisis has been resolved. Happy upcoming blogiversary!
Good to have you backk, Pixie.
Sorry, back. Should have chycked my spilling.
Sorry, Pixie. I mean checked my spelling.
Whose idea was it to start this?
getting back into the swing of things.
Pixie, you know it's the SPANKERS not the SPANKEES who are supposed to be doing the swinging {grin}
I was going to suggest one spank for each member who regularly reads your blog (as judged by who has commented), but perhaps prefectdt's idea is even better.
So here is my contribution to reddening your bottom, may it be red but not blue.
of course....
on whether your spanker is using
their hand
or perhaps a hairbrush. I vote for a hairbrush for any number of comments less than 40. ;-)
yes amber you should get a good sound spanking for your blog 1 year..i hope we get to see a video or at least some pics
Well Pixie-
I had to add a comment to bring it up to 24 swats!
Happy Blogversary! I have really enjoyed reading your posts over this past year. Keep up the great work!
I had another thought for your spanking anniversary.. For every time you try and reach back to cover yourself, another swat is added. That should really redden your bottom quickly.
congrats on your first year blog anniversary
good luck on your spankings
i know you will enjoy them
Well dag (HUGGGGGS) I'd be good for a couple of spanks after commenting on so many posts ;-)
(HUGGGGS) Glad to have you back sweetie. Hope that family emergency got resolved ok without a lot of stress.
And Happy Anniversary. One big bag of bubblegum coming up. ;-) So looking forward to another year of posts and comments.
What's funfetti? I am intrigued, and hoping it involves sugar and colouring!
(Hoping things are going a little better for you honey)
Hey Pixie,
Happy blogiversary! I hope you don't "end up" regretting this post. Aren't you glad you have so many friends?!
hehehe... this ought to be fun!
this could be like one of those pay per clicks things. ha. my click, your bottom.
oh yeah, check your mail in a few days. i sent you something. =)
oh! i almost forgot! happy blogiversary!
oh, this must mean you're on now. :)
hey guess what? my two year old nephew is here. and he's still awake!!
oh and i love cake and the funfetti. i got some brownies with little heart sprinkles to make for valentine's day.
speaking of valentine's day, what are YOU doing?
this is my official challenge to the readers of pixie's blog: make as many comments on this post as you can!!! hehe, love ya!
does this qualify as spamming yet?
ok, i suppose i'll stop now. but for everyone else, the game is on!! oh, i thought of another fun spanko mis-spelling or mis-speak. "zyrtec otk" instead of otc. hehe. :) night night cutie pie!
you know, it's kind of funny that the name of this post is "bouncing back." hehe... bounce back from this one, brat!
A year is definitely an achievement.
And you should have stipulated the comment count is based on person.
One year, That's great!! Looking forward to another great year of posts.
Since Chloe Elise is contributing so much to the total, why not set a number of swats that if you reach (say 70 for example) you get to return the favor on her blogiversary? ;)
*hugs* Congrats, sweetie. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.
Chloe should get 2 smacks for every comment she leaves! This sure would make an interesting PB scene...
Happy Blogiversary Pixie!
Pixie dear,
I considered leaving a comment and taking several posts to cover it, or leaving it one word at a time in order to run up the total. But I see others have already used those ideas, and I suspect there are many more to come. So I'll just leave the one post saying "Happy Blogiversary", and leave it at that.
One very hard, very firm "post"....
Dr. Ken
Okay, two posts...
Dr. Ken
I feel like the Count from Sesame Street....
"Three! Three posts! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!
Dr. Ken
Have a SWAT on me, Sweetie!
Oh, hell -- have another!!
Hmmmm ... this *could* make a nice little PB scene, couldn't it ...?
Yes, when is Chloe's blogiversary?
Dear Pixie,
i like you, your blog and punishedbrats very much. The spankingsituations are fantastic. Have you ever thougt about spanking in diapers? I would be glad to see something like that.
Happy Anniversary! May there be many more.
What a great idea! I know that you are a very honest, trust-worthy person, otherwise I'd suspect that you were going to use "comment moderation" to screen out some comments. I'll be back online later so that I post my latest screenplay -- one word at a time.
Hey folks!!!!
It's that perfectly legal?!?
Hi Pixie,
Congratulations on your first "blogiversary".
Since the number of comments might be more than your behind can take how about you get one swat for every week your blog was online?
Pixie It's good to hear everything is okay with with your family...I'm glad to hear that.
Let's see here, my entry will make #77. I've not forgotten that you have buns of steel, but I do hope your spanker who administers the swats at least uses a light strap since you'll not be sitting too comfortably any time soon.
Congrats on your 1st year anniversary, that's outstanding.
Happy anniversary, hope there are enough comments to warm your bottom now what are you getting them with?
Oh dear, Pixie! Your beautiful bottom will be rather sore
Or sorer
80 comments?!?!?! Geez!! It's like you want to see me get spanked or something. ;-) Honestly, I thought my grand total would be all of 20 - 30 comments and I'd be getting off lightly by agreeing to a swat-per-comment. My mistake.
I was planning on posting just a photo or two of me getting my blogiversary spanking and the red end result, but since a few of you posted that you wish you could see it as a PB scene, what I'll do is wait until our PB shoot coming up next Saturday and get my spanking on video as part of Pixie's Previews.
S. in Dallas - But the last one is always the hardest. Sniff.
Al - yes, it does!
Winchester - "conbratulations" - I love that!!
Greg - I have to say, I think I'm definitely going to be getting more than a few!
Steve (uk) - Hmmm. It would seem that I'm getting spanked for your typos. Now is that fair? No wait. Don't answer that.
Mark - Whew! Well, at least getting more than 40 comments has saved me from the hairbrush for now.
Anonymous - I'll ask that a couple of photos be taken so I can post them here and then you'll see the video when the previews are released on PB.
Alex - I think I'll be very good and make sure my hands stay in front of me if that's the rule!
wayne4441 - Thank you. I'm sure I will. I hope you'll enjoy the end results. No pun intended.
007 - Yes, I'd say with all of your very kind and faithful comments, you've earned a triple comment-swat.
Amy - funfetti is cake and frosting that has large candy sprinkles mixed into it. Yummy I'll be happy to save you a slice along with Prefectdt's. Lots of sugary goodness.
2Good - Spanked or not, yes, I'm very thankful to have such good friends.
Chloe - I will definitely be getting you back for the dozen swat-worthy comments you posted. You won't know how, you won't know when ... but I will. >:) I also agree with several of the comments here that you need to get a blogiversary spanking. I'll be sure to send my love and best wishes to you on that special day ... repeatedly.
ofia - I really ought to have thought of stating that only one comment per person would be counted. but far too late for that now. I think I've earned the extra swats for not thinking to post that rule.
Anonymous - Thank you! And look at that. Over 70 by now, so it would seem that I indeed need to return the favor to Ms. Elise. What a shame. >:)
Anonymous - Awww. Thanks. (((Hugs)))
Fireman Chris - 8!!? Yipes! I suppose I ought to be thankful you didn't type each letter in a separate comment.
Anonymous - Tehehehe. I like that idea. So that's 24 swats for Chloe.
Dave - Thank you! `<8
Dr. Ken - I love your Count impression. That really made me giggle.
Spider Spirit - I hope it will make a fun little segment on the previews at the very least.
Steve (uk) - Not soon enough. >:)
Marc - No, diapers are a little outside the scope of our site, but Clare features some spanking and diaper play on her Kara Prepare Yourself site. Check out Clare's blog on the topic at
Anonymous - Thank you. I hope so too.
B - Thanks for the spanks! I'll be sure to remember that you earned me a lucky 7 swats the next time I see you. >:)
Alan - Now that would be just wrong! ;-)
Martin - Is what legal?
Elor - You know, I never though that 52 swats would seem like a bargain. Don't worry, I think I can take it. Of course it is only the 9th now. We'll see what the final count is on the 12th. But no matter what, I can't back out now. A deal's a deal.
Razor - Thanks for the congrats. :) Looks like my buns shall be put to the test.
Anonymous - Oh I think I'll be toasty warm for a while. I'm not sure what I'll get them with. Maybe a couple different implements. We shall see ...
Al - Yes, I will be quite sore. And I think at least 3 of the swats are from you, right?
Happy Spanking. And congtrats on the 1st anniversary of the blog.
I think you should get 2 swats for each of the comments you left on your own blog, silly! You're asking for it!
I may be #84, but I'm a pretty sound, painful #84!
Pixie... I deeply hope everything is ok. My thoughts and prayer are with you.
One a brighter note Happy Blogiversary. Maybe your bf should let you spank him for the event hehe!!
Doing my part to help the count, sure a little pink bottom is nice but I think you'd look even better with even more color and that cute little bottom of your's.
Love ya! Congratulations, and have a great celebration.
Oooo er, a guy could go on a guilt trip! er sorry (shuffles off to the corner for a while) :-)
Great idea. But maybe it's fair not to count the postings but the number of people who posted. Anyway, now we have reached one more :-)
Don't forget one for me -- make my swap with a strap =)
Hi Pixie.
This is the first time that I've left a comment. I enjoy your blog and read it as often as I can. Congratulations on a full year and congratulations on the success of Punished Brats!
February 12th is my birthday. I'll be thinking of you!
Greg M.
Miss checking in for a day... and we're 92nd to comment, lol. Offering spanks for comments will do that though! Please allow us to add TWO more spanks... one for each of us, of course (they can be hand spanks though, since we're so nice!). And happy anniversary too!
Todd & Suzy
If it's not too late, add a swat for me!
And happy anniversary, Pixie.
You wrote your first blog post on my Birthday~~(umm..birthday spanking, aye?):o !
Looks like you'll be more than in the pink on your Bloggy-Anniversary! :)!
(hey! How many comments is this?)
~~Be well, Pixie.
And, have a very Happy Valentine's Day too!
We're up to 93 as I'm writing this, so are we going for the century?
It would be a shame to leave Pixie feeling a bit like David Beckham on 99 England caps.
What a wonderful idea!
Did I mention I just did a post on my blog's 0th birthday?
I used old birthday spanking pictures for that one though.
I've only made two comments, so here is a third. Congrats on blogging for a full year!
Woo hoo! Almost 100 comments! And hey, why is everybody ganging up on me? BTW, my blogiversary is in June, but I'm a quick learner and don't plan on using the same idea. Haha!
At the time I'm writing this, you're showing 98 comments--so I have to leave at least two more.
This is one of them....
Dr. Ken
...And this is the other one.
There may be a lot of posts ahead of me awaiting your approval, so my two comments won't necessarily be #99 and #100, but I wanted to make sure that you get to break the century mark....
Dr. Ken
Happy Blogiversary, Pixie
continued in the next comment to get you up to 100
There you are, Pixie, 100th comment!
Best of luck, and thank you for a whole year's worth of delite.
I cannot resist adding to the sum total of your spanks for your
six of he best!!!!!!
Hugs and spanks..
Happy blog anniverisry pixie i know i spell it wrong since i am nice you don't have to get any spanks or swat for me. ya bottom already going to be red and sore after all the spanks.
i am allowing you to give my one swat or spanks or spanking to any other punish brat model you want (pointinf toward chloe she need it )lol but you can pick any model you want,
Congrats on your Blogiversary! Hope we all get to see the results of the Blogiversary spanking! :) Thanks for all you do in this blog, it's always fun to visit. Mike
Well, 113 soon to be 114 with my comment. Is this per cheek or in total? LOL
Have fun Pixie.
Egad I think you may have been better off with one of the earlier offers. ;-)
Oh Well. (HUGGGS) Isn't it nice to see you have so many friends who care about you? :-D
Enjoy yet one more. I think it should be limited to one smack per person commenting. Happy Bloggiversery!!!
HOLY SMOKES!!! You set yourself up for this one girl!!
Have one on my account :-)
Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Happy blogiversery!!
xx xx's a little crowded in here :) And deservedly so, in my humble opinion. You have a lot of friends out there, and we wish you well...(and maybe a few warm smacks, just for good luck!)
Hugs, SS.
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