Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Being A Spanko - Denial & Acceptance

I had planned on writing on another topic, but after participating in A.S.S.’s roundtable question from last week, I was inspired to share a bit about my vain attempt to not be a spanko.

I’m pretty much convinced that I was simply born with an interest in spanking. I have many early childhood memories that are spanking related – the embarrassing thrill I’d get when reading (and then re-reading again and again) a passage in a book about someone getting spanked, an even bigger thrill when I’d see a character on TV (most often cartoons) actually receiving a spanking, looking up the definition of the word spank in the dictionary, using a folding chair as a makeshift spanking machine to use on my poor Mickey Mouse doll (when caught and asked what I was doing, I lamely replied I was pretending it was a see-saw), and imagining myself in one of those conveyor belt style spanking machines with the mechanical hands they had on Bugs Bunny while waiting to drift off to sleep at night. I’d occasionally try to spank myself, once even attempting to use my dad’s old fraternity paddle! Let’s just say that didn’t work out too well.

As I got a little older, sometimes I’d write or make audio recordings of little spanking stories. I often set the stories in the UK during the Victorian era and made a terrible attempt at a British accent in my recordings. I’m not entirely sure why, but I must have been inspired by some sort of literary work and preferred the remorseful resignation to one's fate and all of the formality involved in the spanking ritual in those times as opposed to a quick grab and smack. Or I might just have been an odd kid. Who knows.

I don’t recall ever purposely pushing away my interest in spanking as an older child or a teen, but somewhere along the way, it subsided for a while. But looking back at that time there were a lot of negative things going on in my little world – family discord, loss of a sibling, serious personal illness – and I lost interest in many things I had once held dear.

Then one day I was on the internet (procrastinating from doing the actual schoolwork I should have been doing) reading random online journals when I stumbled across an entry by a woman who was spanked as an adult. She had several entries about what she’d done to earn her spankings, what sort of discipline she’d received, her nervous anticipation of the punishment she was going to receive for her current infractions, and more. My jaw dropped and all of the memories of being infatuated with spanking washed over me.

I was stunned. There were people, grown adults, that were spanked and liked it? You mean there were others that got the same little charge out of it that I did? And that’s ok???

I immediately typed “Spank” into Google and the results were far better than the ones my old dictionary ever produced. I sat there clicking on site after site simply overwhelmed by all the internet had to offer. I quickly joined a couple of groups and discussion boards and began to shyly post under my sorority nickname. I was welcomed warmly, posted more often, played in chat rooms a few times, even dared to meet a couple of people in real life (some meetings turned out well, others did not) and my interest in spanking simply blossomed. I enjoyed the little secret society that my fellow dorm-mates would never guess I belonged to.

But one day, without reason that I can pinpoint, I grew uncomfortable with it all. Despite clearly knowing I was far from alone in my interest, I felt like it was no longer ok. I didn’t want to be a spanko. I didn’t want to have this passion, this kink. I wanted to be vanilla.

So I stopped visiting the boards and changed my online messenger screen name. I deleted all of the spanking photos I had stored on my computer. I actively threw myself into other interests (some healthy, some not so much) in a massive effort to block out every thought or temptation involving spanking.

And for a while, it worked.

After a bit, I didn’t miss the boards. I filled my time with other sites and activities. I didn’t even think about spanking.

But one day, I did something I shouldn’t have. For privacy reasons, I don’t wish to go into detail, but basically I broke a major promise that could have had lots of unfortunate consequences. I remember sitting on my futon and crying so hard I was hiccupping and feeling crushed by the weight of the guilt and remorse I was carrying. And seemingly out of nowhere, the desire to be spanked (this time for discipline for my recent actions) came flooding back.

Since that dark day, I returned to the spanking world and have not had any desire to try to make myself into a vanilla again. I came back to the boards, reconnected with old friends, and eventually received that disciplinary spanking I felt I earned for my actions. I stopped questioning my interest so much and simply started enjoying it in moderation rather than feeling like it’s some dirty secret or terrible obsession.

I’m not sure that I could ever completely change myself to the point that I no longer had a passion for spanking. As I said at the beginning of this rather long post, I believe I was simply born this way and clearly my previous attempts weren’t very successful. For this reason, I was very open and honest when I first met my current boyfriend. I explained to him how important spanking was to me and the fact that I work as a spanking model (even though I was only doing so part-time back then). I wanted to give him the opportunity to walk away if need be because I knew I couldn’t possibly keep such a secret from him nor could I promise to change. Fortunately, he didn’t walk away, and instead not only was he ok with me having an interest in spanking, but soon he grew to enjoy spanking me himself! I am so thankful that he accepts me for the spanko I am and am also greatly relieved to finally accept myself as well.


B said...

I love all of your posts but the deep, gut-wrenchingly personal ones are definitely my favorite. I hope you choose to explore these topics more often, if it's not too revealing for you.

Chloe Elise said...

Awwww... that is so heartfelt. I'm so glad you've accepted your spankoness. =) I was much the same way, except PB was the keyhole that opened the door for me. OK, craigslist had something to do with it too.

By the way, I used to do those audio recordings too! My friends and I make a talk show about kids that got spanked. Oh my god, if I could find that....

I <3 you!

ZED and ginger said...

I don't think that I've ever posted on your blog, but I must say that I think that this was one of the best first person accounts that I've ever read of both what it's like from the inside of being a child spanko, and of the journey to the full manifestation of the kink in adulthood. As you well know, some of us have it from early childhood, while a few seem to be completely devoid until some time well into adulthood. While I long ago worked through my own issues to be very comfortable in the skin that I wear, accounts like yours nonetheless greatly help those who are still in that journey.


Anonymous said...

Hey Pixie-

Once again you put into words what so many of us spanko's feel at any point in our lives. Like you I was also a spanko even as a child, and often found myself doing some things that I knew were wrong just to get caught.

Now as an adult I have married a great man who enjoys spanking me often for my transgression, rather they are major or minor. I too was upfront in the beggining with my hubby about my passion and kink, and was greatly relieved to find out that he enjoyed spanking me as much as I enjoyed being on the recieving end.

Keep up the wonderful work, you have many fans, and thank you for putting into words what some of us are not capable of saying.

A huge fan,

Anonymous said...

Hey Pixie-

What a great blog entry! Thank you for having the courage to openly express your love and desire of being spanked. I too am a life long spanko, and have struggled from time to time with my personal kink thinking that I was all alone.

I ment and married a wonderful man who is fully accepting of my love of spanking and who enjoys spanking me on a regular basis. I also understand the need and desire to be punished for transgressions that I knew were worng but still did them at the time.

There is something very freeing after recieving a long punishment spanking and having the guilt lifted from one's shoulders. I am a huge fan, and love your work!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Another A+ essay for the fridge, young lady. :-) Seriously, you really do get the essence of what this is all about, and it's great that you can express it so eloquently. And believe me, we ALL accept you as the whole person who you are, not just the beautiful bottom we all wish we could spank. Thanks again for a great post. Always glad to see new input here. :-)


This post illustrates that this "kink" is something that we are born with and not something we choose. My own attempts at giving up have ended in much personal loss and harm. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this with us.


Republican's SUCK said...

Very good post. Well thought out and well written.

Anonymous said...

Excellent and thougtful post, Pixie! I recognized myself in so much of what you went through. The interest as a young person in any picture or depiction, looking up the word "spank" in the dictionary or any other reference book.
For me, the light bulb went on when I was 16 and went into an adult bookstore. They didn't kick me out, so I must have looked older than my age. And there, amidst all other mags was a little something called "Spanker's Monthly" with a photo of a spanking on the front. That was my "Oh my god I'm not the only one" moment.
I've gone through the collecting of spanking material and the throwing away--and then the recollecting, and again purging it all. I don't do that anymore, but just accept that this is a part of who I am, and the same applies to a lot of other people, and it's perfectly ok.

Dr. Ken

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it took something so painful to get you to re-embrace your spanko-ness. But you know, if not for that, maybe you would have kept it to yourself for much longer (kind of like this big dummy I know who kept it all to herself until she was 38!). And what a shame for our community that would have been. :-)

I, too, believe that we are simply wired for spanking, and now, I'm happy for it -- we spankos have more fun! -- Erica

Funbun said...

Dear Pixie,

If I could, I would embrace you. kiss you and hold you... :-) Excellent topic! I recognize EVERY detail. As I was born much earlier than you, I can only add browsing through cartoon books and reading spanking magazines... As there was no internet yet.

Spanked myself and made thousands of little drawings of spanking scenes to give space to my feelings.

At almost 16, I fell in love with a girl (one year older than me) who was a 'spanko'. For the 1,5 year that our relation lasted, I spanked her many, many times and we both enjoyed it..!

Started to consider spanking "normal" as it gave us so much fun, good feelings and love.
When she left I fell in one of the deepest crises of my life, as I found that most girls didn't like being spanked at all..
So locked myself into myself and
struggled for YEARS with my spanking feelings to finally, finally accept myself as I am.

Internet friends like Star Chandler, Rosaleen Young and you, Pixie, helped me a great deal with this.

Love you for this, your site, blog and your openess and willingness to share with all of us. You're a great girl..!!!


Anonymous said...

I can relate personally to so much that everyone is saying here – especially childhood experiences - that there is little I can add. I recall I once made some crude pencil drawings (I’m no artist) of girls being spanked, only for my Mum to find them. :-( I think I told her they were science fiction scenes, but I don’t think she was convinced.
Then, as a teenager, I remember being dragged around a souvenir shop in Margate (in the UK) by my parents. I came across a rack of paperback books, including some Adult titles. One of the books was called 'Master Spanker' and was clearly dealing with adult fantasies. I guess that was my moment of realisation.

Anonymous said...

I also want to say that your personal posts are one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing & I'm sorry about your personal loss.
On another note I loved your explanation when you said you were pretending your Mickey Mouse doll was on a see saw. (That was cute!) But how would you have explained yourself if you got caught spanking yourself with your fathers sorority paddle? My first spanking related experience occured when I was about 7 years old. I was playing in my yard & stepped on a nail. When I was taken to the hospital I had to go behind the curtain & remember the nurse telling me when she was about to give me my tetnus shot to just pretend she was giving me a spanking & she actually put me over her knee,then gave me the shot. That has stayed in my mind to this day. Then I,like yourself would anxiously await Bugs Bunny cartoons when Bugs would get a spanking from the granny type woman. I would also look for spanking photos in the Sunday Funnies (such as Lulu who was always getting in trouble & spanked) One day I saw the front of a Superman comic book & it showed Lois Lane with Superboy over her knee & showed her with a broken hairbrush in her hand and a pained look on her face)
Now all this stayed hidden in my own mind until I was a teenager and I was camping with some friends & saw an ad in an issue of Screw newspaper for a woman who was interested in disciplining naughty boys. Not long after that I found on the front page of The New York Post the story of The Phantom Spanker. A man in NYC who posted an ad looking for attractive females for a movie casting (which wasn't true). He had a camera hidden & told the women he was looking for the perfect scream & spanked them otk & 2 photos made the front page. Those were the beginnings of me being a male spanko. What caused me to hide my spanking thoughts for a while occured in High School in about 1979. I was hanging out with a high school friend & told him I'd like to get spanked (by a woman!) Well,he told his older brother & the brother started to call me "Spanky". God was that the most embarrasing & uncomfortable of situations. I had to find a way to cover my ass. If anyone asked me why he called me Spanky I'd tell them I used to watch the Little Rascals (aka "The Our Gang")and it was a reference to one of the kids. I learned then to keep my spanking thoughts to myself until I discovered your blog & the Punished Brats site. Thank You for listening.


Anonymous said...


Sorry for such a long post! Maybe I need to be taken to the woodshed.

Anonymous said...

Nice writting, very personal as if there was something that you have been talking to yourself about for a while.
I must admit I do agree with alot of the other contributors that these are always your best posts.

Paddy P.

Unknown said...

Hi Pixie,

Just had ot send a response.

Everthing that you have writeen in this piece is a refelction of how I have felt about being a spanker.

from an early age I would get a strange feeling when the word spanking was mentioned. of course whe nI was young it was quite common for boys and girls to be spanked slippered caned etc at school and home. I used to watch other being spanked and be fasinated , wanting but not wanting it to happen to me.

If I came across a comic story with a girl being smacked or slippered I would secrete it away and hide in an old orchard reading and re-reading the text and looking at the pictures.

As I come to me teen years I did not take a lot of interest in spanking issues. Then when it all returned i felt that I was an oddity. After all no-one else like to spank girls, Did they! (I also always had the pyjamma thing too.

I always felt very isolated and it was difficult to form any sory of relationships with girls.

My redemtion came withthe discovery of Playboy and stuff like that. Occassional stories, and articles would refer to spanking. later I came across magazines purely about spanking, London Life , Janus etc (this was about 1972).

I realised I was not alone , although in most ways I still was.

I began to writing letters about my particular take on spanking and later still hade a few stories printed in Blushes.

But like you I also went throught the guilt thing. In the past 10 years I have , many many times I all my pics , left groups, and just felt like a complete and utter perv.

I have paid girl/ladies to spank them. Although my early sorties in this area were a disaster. Thank goodness for the interent where you get a better idea of who you are dealing with.

For a short time I was a member of Miss Prims academy. I burned my bridges there and have regreted doing it ever since.

I hope you dont mind my mentioning the fact that you and I used to communicate through messenger often some years back, And that was always a great event . In those days most people I chatted to seemed real, I have given up doing that now as it is more offensive now I find.

I have had relationships where spanking was accepted and others where it clearly was not.

Now I am single anf realise that I was born this way. Nothing corrupted me, there is nothing in my latent past that turned me inot a monster spanker. I am what I am . I blog about it, I mail cyper friends about it and I live with it.

Oh yes I LOVE IT. Not much opportunity to spank for real , but you never know.

Sorry ot have gone on and on. But I am so pleased that you have articulated the thoughts, life and times of a spanker /spankeee in a better way than I ever could.

regards as always Paul

(Blue)Mark said...


Not much to add to what others have said, so I'll leave it with "you are as eloquent as ever".


Anonymous said...

The one thing which comes through most often is that we mostly all have the internet to thank for our feelings of fulfillment. Seems like most of us have gone on with feelings of guilt about being "not quite normal", and it turns out that we are actually members of a rather sizable minority.
While it may be too late for those of us like me (early 60s, second vanilla marriage), to be more open and sharing in your social interaction and courtships. You will finally find the right "other."

SarahGregory said...

I love your story. I could actually relate to the part where you used to love movies and tv shows with spanking scenes. I remember the movie The Bad Seed. In the end, the little girl's mom spanks her. We were shown this movie in 6th grade for some weird reason and I can remember feeling obsessed for a awhile with the spanking scene. I also used to sketch spanking photos in my journal when I was a kid. I am still not a complete spanko. PB has helped me become more comfortable with my spanko side. I always thought there was something wrong with me because I was into spanking, but it is so awsome to see that there are so many more like me out there.

OXOX -Sarah

Winchester said...

How clearly you have expressed things. So much of your description might have been my own - from the childhood fascination and seeking out stories with spanking content - in comics and books about schooldays etc - right the way through to the repression and guilt fostered in much of adulthood and the desperate attempts to put akk spanking thoughts away,- and the eventual realisation that there are others, that this is not some personal and private aberration but something shared nby a considerable number of people. I still find it hard to accept sometimes - and still can share thoughts only through blogs such as yours which are so so so valuable. Thank you Pixie once again.

I am still disturbed by the connection, seen so widely on the internet, between spanking and abuse, both physical, emotional and sexual abuse- and that is why sites like PB which steer completely clear from any suggestion of such abuses are so important.

Anonymous said...

i understand what you post i was same way i thought i was only one into spanking. i think hard part is when you grow up seem like you can not find anybody who will or would be willing or okay with turning you over knee for a spanking even when you a teenager and do not have friend, girlfriend or boyfriend

cause i been into spanking since my teenage years and did not have female friend or girlfriend to talk about spanking and to get spanking from for me it all started when i watch the movie kiss me kate and saw the lead actress get an over knee spanking then i was hook on spanking. i am not ashame to have a spanking fetish or to admit i like spanking.

i will admit i been given spanking few times by female but yet to find anybody who can give me real long hard one as in punishment way.


Amber Pixie Wells said...

B - Thank you! I try to mix it up once in a while and include a rambling wrencher on occasion. ;-)

Chloe - You made recordings too? Thank goodness I'm not the only one. But personally I'm glad mine are long gone. I'd be sooo embarrassed!

Zed - Thank you so much for posting and your very kind words. From those that I've talked to or corresponded with, it seems like most of us struggled with acceptance at some point along the way. I wonder if those that don't find out they share this kink until adulthood have an easier or more difficult time?

Alex - That's fantastic that you have a husband that shares not only your love of spanking but also your preferred style of spanking too. What a wonderful match!

007 - Yay! An A paper for the new fridge. :) I'm glad you enjoyed my essay so much. I hope I can continue to keep my GPA up. ;-)

Prefectdt - I definitely think this kink is something we are born with or perhaps at least born with a particular disposition that when coupled with the right environmental factors leads to a strong interest in spanking. I'm sorry that your attempts to give up spanking were so painful and I hope that you are much happier now.

Outlaw - thank you!

Dr. Ken - It really is amazing to hear how many of us have had such similar experiences throughout our lives long before we knew one another even existed. And I agree with you that it is perfectly ok. Just because not everyone in the world enjoys or "gets" spanking doesn't mean it's wrong.

Erica - Darn right we spankos have more fun! There's a reason we often call spanking, playing. :) I'm very glad and I think the spanking world is very fortunate that you not only became ok with being a spanko, but also were ok in sharing that with us. Your wit, intelligence, and of course your so very spankable self would be greatly missed if you hadn't.

Funbun - Thanks! I'm glad you find so much to relate to and enjoy. It's always a comfort to know we are not alone.

Steve - Oh no! How awkward it must have been for you to try to explain to your Mum. :(

Tim - High school can be difficult enough without such a personal secret like that being revealed! But I'm glad that you found a way to cope and that it didn't lead to you shying away from your interest.

Paddy - Thank you. :) I'd mentioned small snippets of the topic before when answering blog interview questions and then when Todd & Suzy posed last week's roundtable question, it got me thinking more about how my interest has waxed and waned over the years whether intentionally or not. I'm also very happy (and relieved) to hear that these types of posts are enjoyed.

Paul - Thank you, though I think you express yourself quite well. And I thank you for sharing all of the details of your experience. I always find it helpful and reassuring to read how similar others' journeys were.

Mark - Thank you very much!!!

Anonymous - Yes, the internet has been huge in allowing us to connect and realize we are far from alone all while retaining relative privacy.

Sarah - I would have been blushing badly as I watched that movie in class hoping that no one could tell that I was so secretly interested in that particular segment! That's great that PB has been such a positive experience for you. Definitely nothing wrong with having an interest in spanking, whether a little or a lot.

Winchester - Thank you twice - both for your kind words about my post as well as those for our site. We make a conscious effort to avoid anything that would cross the line from discipline to abuse.

mike - I hope one day soon you will find just the right person to give you the sort of spankings you desire and that you will both have an enjoyable experience. Best of luck to you.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that in my earlier comment, but yes, I too tried making a recording on an old reel-to-reel tape machine one day when I had the place to myself and the family was out somewhere.
I tried to provide the storyline and commentary, and for the "sounds of spanking", I just smacked my palm against my leg.
After listening to it, I immediately erased it, and never tried that it again. It sounded really dumb and my leg hurt...LOL
And besides, like a lot of things, once you know how it's done, it's just not as interesting as you thought it would be...
So, chalk up another one for "shared spanko experiences"...

Hugs and spanks,
Dr. Ken

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Pixie. This was really a touching post... and the reason we enjoy your blog so much. You're a real person, and a real spanko... complete with successes and challenges.

Very much enjoyed the responses from your readers too.

Todd & Suzy

Unknown said...

This was a truly wonderful posting.I identify with a lot of the feelings you have mentioned here...although from the perspective me being a spanker.aT 40 I have tried to rid myself of my feelings for spanking maybe 10 or more times but alas it is not something that stays away for long.
Thanks again for sharing your story,I just might do the same when I get the chance.

Anonymous said...

Never try to change who you really are. It never works out well in the end. Congrads, and best of wishes.

Bottoms up


eismar55 said...

I LOVED to read that!
I guess you are right. some are born with that spanking fascination. This interest in spankings has been with me as long as I can remember.
I did a lot of somehow crazy things to fullfill my interstes when I was young.
I felt sick and bad about my fetish and thougt I was the only one who has this strange desires. Through internet I learned in the last few years that I am not alone...
I am not proud to be into spanking. But that is the way I am. I try to do not harm anybody and I try to life my life. Thats it and thats how I read what you wrote.
Loved it...



eismar55 said...

Sorry for my poor english.
Should be: I try to live my life...


Anonymous said...


I, like yourself and others who have posted, feel I was "born this way." There's no other way to explain it. I had a good childhood. Like many growing up in the 70's I had issues: divorced parents, moved around a lot, etc. But everyone loved each other the best they could at the time. In spite of all that, from as young as I can remember, the thought of spanking, either getting spanked or giving a spanking, has made my pulse do weird things. One of my earliest memories is getting caught playing spanking games with the neighbor girl. We were both like four or five years old. Later I did the dictionary search, the book search. Hell, I became an English major in college so I had an excuse to read all the Victorian lit that invariably featured spanking at some point or another. Even the damn word ... "spanking." Almost magical.

I also spent a lot of time in the middle part of my life suppressing the urge. It was wrong, perverted, et cetera, to want something that was supposed to be punishment. As a man I think I had an extra dose of shame because I like being spanked as much as I like spanking. Men aren't supposed to like that kind of thing, right?

Wrong. But it took a while for me to figure that out. At this point in my life, I'm in my late thirties (staring down the barrel of forty), I'm successful in my career, a single father of two healthy children, and convinced that one of the attributes in my next significant other will be an appreciation of my proclivity. Congrats to you in having found a boyfriend who will play with you that way. He's a lucky guy. May we all enjoy similar fortune to be with someone who can love all of us, even the "weird" parts.

Amabel Rose said...

Thank you for this post. It's brilliant.

Matt said...

I have admittedly been a lurker on your blog for a while. I just wanted to say that this post is something I can relate to so much. I don't know how many times I have said that I was going to delete all my spanking files from my computer because of the guilt I was feeling. But then you just express all that emotion in other ways, which may be even worse. This really captures the whole journey of the spanko. Great job.

HeathCliff Spanker said...

I'll add my "I'm so glad you came back to us!" to other posts like it. I went through a very similar similar experiences of ups and downs in relation to the spanking world, only from the Top side. Thank you for being out there, for being the wonderful spanking actress that you are, and thank you for opening your heart to us.